Category Archives: Photographs

Where Can and Do I Take Pictures of People?

From experience, I have learned that I can take pictures in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where I could not take pictures in some museums in Hungary.  I can take pictures in an airplane, and a subway.

DSC07077 This out-of-focus picture is a stand-in for a picture that I wanted to take of a fairly rare site, on the subway, that of a family of five with a very cute, little, four-year old girl, her mother, father, and two older sisters.  I wanted to take a picture of the entire family, but somebody suggested that you cannot take pictures on a subway.  I took only a very out of  focus picture of the little girl, and then deleted it.  But I later took photographs of people on a subway that I did not intend to talk about in this blog.   So it is legal.

DSC07362  This is a photograph from an airplane window.  I do not take photographs of people on an airplane, though probably I could do so legally.  I consider that this invades their privacy.

So where can I take pictures?:

  • In a variety of public places

Where do I take pictures of people?:

  • In many places, but I often leave out the people
  • And often I do not take them, even when I want to talk about them
  • Because I consider that this invades their privacy