Category Archives: Travel

Where Can and Do I Take Pictures of People?

From experience, I have learned that I can take pictures in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where I could not take pictures in some museums in Hungary.  I can take pictures in an airplane, and a subway.

DSC07077 This out-of-focus picture is a stand-in for a picture that I wanted to take of a fairly rare site, on the subway, that of a family of five with a very cute, little, four-year old girl, her mother, father, and two older sisters.  I wanted to take a picture of the entire family, but somebody suggested that you cannot take pictures on a subway.  I took only a very out of  focus picture of the little girl, and then deleted it.  But I later took photographs of people on a subway that I did not intend to talk about in this blog.   So it is legal.

DSC07362  This is a photograph from an airplane window.  I do not take photographs of people on an airplane, though probably I could do so legally.  I consider that this invades their privacy.

So where can I take pictures?:

  • In a variety of public places

Where do I take pictures of people?:

  • In many places, but I often leave out the people
  • And often I do not take them, even when I want to talk about them
  • Because I consider that this invades their privacy


Danger on Escalators

May 28-June 1, 2008, Budapest (371) The wonderful escalators in Budapest were part of our adventure as we rode the subways.  They could really accommodate a crowd.  They were impressively long .  I enjoyed them so much. For all of the rides I’ve had on them as transportation, and in airports and department stores, I did not completely understand their dangers, until my friend E recounted how she saw her young friend V crawling on the escalator as it neared the top, and she yelled to somebody to, ” Pick him up!!  Pick him up!!”.  In the knick of time, before the moving stair was about to slide under the floor, young V was picked up.  E asked me if I had ever heard of any escalator accidents, and I told her, “No, I honestly have not.  But, I bet we can Google the topic, and find out.” So I Googled “escalator injuries”, and came up with over 100,000 results.  I learned that there are more than 10,000 escalator injuries, including some deaths every year.   I used to worry about getting on and off a little bit, which are fairly and justifiable concerns. However,  the escalator dangers are even greater than these.  The gap between the moving stairs and the side is something I had not worried about, and even the moving rail.   But one should, because fingers, clothing feet, and skin can get caught, and as the escalator moves, can cause amputations, muscle and nerve damage, breaks, and as gruesome as anything, “degloving”. Another major danger on escalators is falling due to playing.  Just imagine how bad it could be to fall on such a huge escalator as shown above.  If you google “escalator injuries”,  you may find an article Pediatrics about escalator injuries. To stay safe on the escalator:

  1. Never wear flip-flops or other loose shoes.
  2. Always have tie shoes well tied.
  3. Keep feet away from the outer edge of the moving stairs.
  4. Keep fingers away from the gap between the moving railing and the static support.
  5. Make sure of the same for any child accompanying you.
  6. Hold the hand of the child, and remain aware of what he or she is doing.
  7. Never permit a child to play on the escalator.  Think of it as being as dangerous as a moving car.
  8. Keep your young children next to you if you are shopping near an escalator.
  9. Never take a stroller with a child in it on an escalator.  This can throw you off of balance.

Being aware of the dangers of this moving transportation object will help keep you safe on escalators.

Afternoon Ferry Trip to Bolivar

Galveston Harbor from Ferry, MAR 12, 2014 DSC01902 A tugboat as we were taking off from the Galveston side of the ferry route to Bolivar.Seagulls following the ferry MAR 12, 2014 DSC01908 Seagulls followed the ferry back over path.

Best gulls from ferry, MAR 12, 2014 DSC01916 Seagulls up close.

Watching the gulls from the ferry to Bolivar MAR 12, 2014 DSC01914 Ferry passengers looking at the seagulls.

We come into Bolivar, as another ferry prepares to leave  DSC01920 Arriving at Boliver as another ferry prepares to leave.

Gulls at landing  DSC01921 Seagulls resting on a ferry piling.

At Stingarees 12 MAR, 2014 DSC01923 At a favorite Bolivar restaurant.

DSC01926 Another scene inside the restaurant.

Boats at Stinarees railing, early sunset DSC01928 View from the restaurant window.

More Sunset shore layers MAR 12, 2014 DSC01930Sunset with undulating shoreline from restaurant window.

Another highway view on road back to Galveston MAR 12, 2014 DSC01938 Back to Galveston toward the sunset.

Bolivar lighthouse from moving car, close to Bolivar ferry landing MAR 12, 2014 DSC01939 Bolivarlight house from moving car.

Sunset over Texas City from Bolivar ferry landing MAR 12, 2014 DSC01949 Sunset over Texas city from the Bolivar Ferry landing.