Monthly Archives: October 2013

Everything Makes a Difference

Scan  genographic  We are all survivors of our long ancestries!

An example of the fact that everything we do matters is the fact that everything our ancestors did is written into our genes indirectly.

We are all survivors of the eons of evolution that went before us, and the tens of thousands of years before the present as modern humans.  To learn more, search for the Genographic Project online.

Everything And Everyone On Earth Is Interconnected


DSC00723 Everybody came out of East Africa.

The origin of mankind is East Africa. For more information on this please see the Genographic Project  by searching those words online.

We are all related, and we all have greater or lesser amounts of Neanderthal DNA in the bulk of our DNA, (but not in those portions traceable by way of our female or male parentage.

We all live on this earth which has provided our beloved home and different heritages, and we all inhale oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide, and we all manage to provide ourselves with a certain viable temperature range.  We also rely on food which needs certain specific conditions in which to flourish, and all of which requires water.

So we are all interconnected.

How Much CO2 Does 1 Gallon of Gasoline Put Into the Air?

CO2 by SorbyRock of NewsvinePicture is by SorbyRock of Newsvine,  online, in which an article answers this question.

The answer is that one gallon of gasoline puts 20 pounds of CO2 into the air.

Therefore, since one ton is 2,000 pounds, 100 gallons of gasoline produces one ton of CO2 put into the air.

I am a person who would like to remove all the CO2 from the air that I personally have put into it.  That means that I have to remove a massive, yet to be determined, amount of CO2 from the air.

A person uses about as much energy as a 100 watt bulb.  This undoubtedly  varies with the person’s age, gender, with the time of day, stress levels, and so on.  But as an approximation, we’ll use this.   So a person uses about  100 watts X 24 hours or 2,400 watt hours in a day, which is 2.4 kilowatt-hours in a day.

One gallon of gas contains an amount of energy equivalent