Monthly Archives: October 2015

Over the Rainbow, A Smooth Ascent

We recently took off from IAH in Houston in the morning. DSC07593 I always wish I could identify landmarks on the ground below, but I rarely can.

DSC07599 High above Houston area.


DSC07602 As we are climbing to cruising altitude, we see the ground below the clouds.

DSC07605 We are flying next to some clouds above which we will fly.

DSC07614 We we treated to a rainbow from above!

DSC07618 Looking down on the clouds and  small looking ground, perhaps from cruising altitude.

I had expected this flight to be a little rough,  hearing some reports of “weather’, but it was smooth.  The tops of the clouds are smooth, which I associate with smooth flights.  Do you see how dark the sky above is here?  There is less atmosphere to distribute the light, so it looks nearly black.    We are close to the lower edge of the stratosphere above the troposphere.

Boy-Girl Baby Yarn Is For Girls

IMG_20151001_092543 This either gender baby yarn comes out effectively for girls.  The blue tie in the booties does not override the pink.  The pink overpowers any amount of blue, so the blue hat and the blue booty ties do not tell the world that this is a little boy.    If one does not know what gender the baby will be, it is better to go with a neutral, or green, or yellow.