All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

Garden, August 21, 2014

Here is the garden today, which we started a little less than a year ago.  DSC03994 Here is the garden, photographed in my camera’s Paint mode. which accounts for its exaggerated green.

Soon we will be planting some new plants and perhaps some seeds.  We will amend the soil some more, and fertilize.  Herbs have grown well.  Other plants were spotty.


New Compost Tumbler

In with the new compost tumbler and out with the old!  (Note:  pictures are done in my camera’s Paint format, which is why the colors are exaggerated, and the detail is less.)

DSC03993 Here is my new compost tumbler, which has several advantages over my old box.

DSC03991 The is the old compost bin.  It lost its lid during Hurricane Ike.

DSC03992 This is the compost which I had gotten in about five months.  There is compost in there, but it worked very slowly.  It has undigested eggshells in it.

I can re-compost some of the stems if I chip them up.

Advantages of my compost tumbler over my old compost bin.  The new one:

  1. Has a lid, and will keep out scavengers
  2. Tumbles the contents to mix thoroughly to oxygenate the working compost
  3. Is easily movable
  4. Can hold the heat for proper decomposition of the materials
  5. Empties easily
  6. Should be much faster;  three months at the most for a batch of compost to be made.
  7. Will compost heavier duty materials, such as branch chips.



Checking on Balance

12422416221542450468Esoteric_Taijitu.svg.hi This Eastern symbol can be interpreted as balance.  As one of the four four boundless qualities to be cultivated within  an individual, according to Buddhism, it is equanimity.

There are so very many ways in which to consider balance, for example, within an individual, the impact of genetics and environment.  Other balance-able diads include good and evil, right and wrong, war and peace, slow and fast, small and large,  too much and too little,  the two sides of a see-saw, and so on.

Of course, more than two things can also be balanced, such as the three points on a plane which determine a triangle, and four points in space which determine a four triangular faced solid, a center of gravity of which can be imagined.

When we want to balance more things,  it is more difficult to  visualize, and then we can consider that we are in multiple dimensional space.