All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

My Mother

DSC03501 Regena Larrabee Seehausen, my mother,  looking out over the ocean a few months (around February 1964) before her death in July 1964.    My mother was travelling with her friend Lillian S, who had trained with her to be a nurse.    People were congratulating her on her pregnancy.  She was 48.  In reality she was retaining fluid in her abdomen because of her deadly cancer.

At that time, I was sixteen years old, and was delighted that she was going on a little trip.  I helped her prepare.  I remember some special moments in the “playroom” of our house in the evening, but I cannot remember their content.

Upon her return, she brought this gigantic mortar and pestle.  They had stowed it in the front of the aircraft.  In those days they did not have as many regulations.    I have been unable to find out anything about it online.

DSC03502 The giant carved wooden mortar and pestle which Regena Larrabee Seehausen carried back from the Bahamas in late winter, 1964.



The Shadow

DSC03494 A shadow.  Recently I have been exploring aspects of my soul as I read Thomas Moore’s Care of the Soul, A Guide For Cultivating Depth and Sacredness In Everyday Life.   I like to think that I am honest with myself.  However, Regena Larrabee Seehausen said to me once. “It is hard to know how you are perceived by others. ”  And in fact I am finding that others sometimes see my shadow where I feel I am radiating light. The shadow is the flip side, the dark side where we are not, or where other aspects of our personalities,  besides what we think we are showing , dwell.   I have long thought that our good and bad qualities are the same.  We just exist and interact, as we are or make ourselves to be.  What we consider good and bad are aspects of the same qualities.   Much more poetically Regena Larrabee Seehausen  (1964) says something related to this in:

DSC03496 from Poems


Crepe Myrtle Flower Color Variation, June 28, 2014

Lavender crepe myrtle DSC03042 The crepe myrtle was lavender a few days ago.

Nearly white crepe myrtle DSC03204 Yesterday, it was quite white.  I thought it was because I had put all those cypress branches under, or the recent rain changed the pH, or diluted the minerals.    But the other cypress without any cypress branches also had whitish flowers.  An evening walk around showed that most of these Basham Party Pink crepe myrtles also had whitish flowers.   It was a sunny late afternoon.

DSC03220 Today the flower clusters had a decidedly more lavender color.

DSC03223 Closer examination showed that the flowers now had two colors in the same cluster, nearly white, and distinctly lavender.  Maybe the sun helped newly opening buds create a stronger color.

Online somebody said that they had a crepe myrtle which was one color on one side, and another color on the other side.

I have never seen this before.  Most likely it only happens when lavender producing conditions are marginal.