All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

Organic Weed Killer Trial

DSC03213 The recipe for this safe weed killer is:

  • One gallon vinegar
  • two cups Epsom salts
  • 1/4 cup hand dish detergent

I mixed 3/4 of these up in a vinegar bottle with one quart missing, and placed some into my gardening spray bottle.  I relabeled the vinegar bottle WEED KILLER, and added the date.

DSC03217 I sprayed the weeds on part of the  sidewalk.  You can see where it is foamy, and reflective down to the end of the iris.  We’ll see how this goes.  I was threatening to rain, so I only treated a small part of the sidewalk.


Some New Yarn

DSC03049 Here is the new yarn I got today.  It is 70% wool, 30% rayon, and it creates a stretchy product.

DSC03203 This design by Ellen Anderson Eaves is from a book Crochet in Bits and Pieces (2005) edited by Carol Alexander.

The white motif on the right is my first attempt with this new yarn.  The second one on top of the left page is my improved second effort.

It is always fun to try something new!

Monitoring Health After a Hospital Visit

For distribution JUN 27 DSC01518 (2)  2014 This is an Excel log that I made in order to help track my husband’s vital signs and symptoms after he came home from the hospital a little over five months ago.  Below are pictures of the equipment we used in this time period when we were getting oversight by the doctors, and being very watchful ourselves.  The equipment we used, we already had on hand, and was not expensive.

DSC01578 Blood pressure monitor

DSC01581 Ear thermometer

DSC01568 Pulse oximeter

DSC01574 Pedometer

Exercising with the breathing gadget was advised to prevent pneumonia.DSC01567

Surprisingly, after heart surgery, his shoulder was sore enough for a couple of  weeks to warrant use of this heating pad.
