All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

Blue Porch Ceilings

DSC02462 - Copy   Have you noticed how so many southern porches have blue porch ceilings?  It adds some color interest.  I learned that this color discourages wasps from building nests on the porch ceiling.  It seems to work.  We have never had a wasp nest on our porches.

The only place where we did nave a wasp nest was on a palm leaf underside several years ago, when it was like a  palm shrub, and this problem was easily solved, though I do not recall how.


Caught a Mr. Possum

DSC02417 Here is a Mr. Possum, caught in the trap, which the city provided yesterday.   The inside of his ears are black, and the outside of the ears are tan.

APR 25, 2014 2014-04-25 005 Here is the trap put into place, and baited with canned tuna and apple pieces.  It does not harm the possum, and should it catch somebody’s pet, it is easy to release it.

DSC02309 Is it the same possum I saw before on this occasion, or in our compost.



DSC02160 I will examine carefully to see.  He could be, but it is hard to tell.  This one seems to have more black fur along his shoulders, but his position is different from that of the trapped possum.

DSC02415 Let’s check and see if we think it was the same possum we saw earlier.  This time the possum was very mild mannered, and did not hiss or bear his teeth.  We can see that his tail is  scaly.    I am not sure whether it is the same Mr. Possum or not.

The city’s Animal Control people will come and pick it up, and when they do, we will ask  the Animal Control officer if we can borrow the trap  for at least another day.  They will release it into the wild.




Pangea (Pangaea)

Pangea_USGS This is a public domain image of Pangea, by Pangea USGS public domain clipart image @  Pangea was a super-continent which began to form around 300 million years ago, and which began to break apart about 200 million years ago, so it existed for about 100 million years.

800px-Geological_Time_Scale This image is from a Wikipedia article on the Geological Time Scale as viewed on April 21, 2014. Wikipedia reveals that this time frame encompassed land plants, including coal forming ones, and land animals including lizards during the upper Paleozoic Era.  Most fossil fuels formed during the warm and wet  Carboniferous Period of the upper Paleozoic Era

About halfway through the existence of Pangea, the Paleozoic Era became the lower Mesozoic Era, during which time conifers evolved on land and dinosaurs emerged.  The lower Mesozoic encompasses the time of the Triassic, just before the Jurassic, of Jurassic Park fame.