All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

A Useless Spice Collection

DSC02286 The spice rack is full of same colored duplicates of seasonings which we already have in bottles from the grocery store.    Many smell like hay.   There are no expensive spices in there such as Whole cloves and Nutmeg, Saffron.

DSC02289   When I look in the spice collection for the seasonings which I do not have elsewhere, Dried onion flakes, and Garlic powder,  as called for in this recipe, they are missing from the spice rack.



Two one-inch diameter snails on the inside of a leaf stump.                       

DSC02293 A snail on the inside of a leaf stump of a Sabal palm at the south side of the kitchen garden.  The living snails are attached to something.   Colorless fallen snails are empty and dead.

DSC02292    Gloves are required to hand-pick snails to drop into some coke, which kills them.  I thus collected about 20 snails, lidded the jar, and placed it into the trash.  This is an organic way to reduce snail population numbers.  The gloves are needed, because the snails ride on slime, and when you pick them up it will  get on hands.