All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

Seasoned Oil

DSC02281 Though I always love the idea of seasoned oil,  because it is out of our usual recipes and routines, I find that we rarely use it.

DSC02288This particular oil is made in Italy for Italian and English speakers consumption, and it contains:

  • Sunflower oil
  • Black peppercorns
  • Cinnamon
  • Coriander
  • Lemon leaves
  • Lemon grass

I personally am familiar with all of these items, except Lemon grass, which somehow I have never used, and I have not used Lemon leaves as a seasoning.  In the above mix of seasonings, the Lemon leaves are the dark green ones, the Lemon grass is the tan leaf, the Cinnamon is evident as the brown stick, the Black pepper is the set of black dots, and the Coriander is the set of tan dots.

I love dipping bread into Italian seasoned Olive oil, which is quite different from the above oil.   In specialty grocery stores they can convince me to buy various exotic ingredients or mixed products.  Today I uncorked the above bottle, at least seven years old, and separated out the spices.  The oil itself is rancid, but the bottle is nice,  and I would like to keep it.  Lesson:   To avoid waste, don’t get too many exotic oils!

Spring Flowers

Amarillis flower DSC02253 This amaryllis is bursting into bloom!

A bunch of cilantro flowers DSC02256 These cilantro flowers are lacy.

 Cilantro flowers with bee DSC02257 Here is a partially focused bee. 

An impatiens flower DSC02254 These flowers are Impatiens, which survived from last spring, even though they are annuals.             A columbine flowerDSC02251   This flower is a perennial columbine.  It has little columbines coming up around it, so maybe it will spread.

Recovered Enough To Take Down Tree

DSC02244 We finally took our clearly artificial tree down today!  Joe is recovered enough to lift all those parts down.  It was a bit over three months ago that Joe had his surgery, so the biggest part of his recovery is done.  I have heard that it takes a year to get completely back to normal.

Taking down the tree was truly a review of Christmases past, because so many ornaments are from so many people and places!  We did learn that LED lights pay back for their purchase quickly in energy savings.

DSC02249 Our nice bare corner.  Tomorrow we trek everything up to the attic.   Yeah!  We’ll be done in time for Easter.