All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

Garden, March 29, 2014

DSC02147 Garden from the south side.

DSC02159 Garden from the north side.

Some things have glowered, bolted, started going to seed.  The two cabbages that had been going to head, are flowering.  The head never got very big.

DSC02148 The cabbage flower clusters almost look like brussels sprouts.

DSC02151 Our beautiful yellow broccoli flowers (back), and white flowering greens(front).  The red cabbage (middle) is beginning to form heads.  We’ll see how that goes!  Dr. Johnson said in his Galveston Daily News column that the cold snap which we had in the late winter can make broccoli flower.  (I  image that can go for some other things, too, like the cabbage. )  Not shown here are cilantro and tall lettuce which are also in the process of going to seed.

Saving Energy at Home

energysaver_energyuse This graph from shows where the average home energy use goes.    The largest combined item is heating and cooling the home.

tips_airsealing  This image from shows where air leaks can be stopped to reduce the home’s heating and cooling costs.  We are working on these  to noticeably reduce our yearly energy budget, and to reduce our carbon footprint.   Here in the south we spend the reverse proportions on cooling and heating.