All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

A Satisfying Book Find

DSC01797 I found this little treasure of a book in an antique store, and purchased it.  A few thousand copies were published in 1992, 1993, and 1994.  The author, originally from Michigan, lived in East Texas for awhile.

DSC01798  I was extremely happy that I had purchased it, because it contains many unusual culinary recipes with herbs (even sorrel, an herb, vegetable which we have recently had a hard time locating), and edible flowers (for example Stuffed Squash Flowers).  It also contains ways to cultivate the herbs including  sorrel.   It also tells which herbs are annual and which are perennial.

DSC01799 Written by this lady, the book contains quite a few uses of herbs for health.  For example, did you know that dill tea can help hiccups?  In Hungary, they use caraway tea for this purpose to help a hiccuping infant.

This book will be a useful resource for our kitchen garden.


The Life In Victorian Houses

DSC01796 This book, copyrighted twice in 1993, by the photographer, Tim Fields, and the text authors, would be a wonderful coffee table book.  It has fantastic photographs.  Beyond that, as you see on the inside of the book jacket, it describes aspects of what life was really like in Victorian Times in information gleaned from the American  houses

DSC01800  I find it fascinating to learn about.

With widespread consumerism first available at this time, Victorian times were definitely antecedent to the world we know today.   I admire the vigor of Victorian times, and the strong sense of inquiry.  I regret that these qualities have led us to global warming and climate change.   Now we have to find ways to continue the good aspects, while learning to live within the annual energy budget granted to us by the sun, quite a tall order.  I want to use the good qualities of mankind which produced those times,  in order to help us deal with climate change, and other issues of our times in 2014.

This is a Rosenberg Library book.

Chemistry And Biochemistry Are Pervasive

DSC01775 This man is working with viruses at Indiana University, and finding interventions into some of their attacks on humans.  Please note the molecular model in the background to the left of Dr. Kao as we face the picture.

 DSC01776  The first paragraphs of the article.

 DSC01777  Dr. Kao and his lab manager,  discussing matters.  In the background is a bio safety cabinet (hood) for culture work.