We removed the spent flowers as the days passed. We still have a basket, which I will use for harvesting!
It is so wonderful to give and receive our Valentine love. We breathe sighs of relief, that we may do so again this year, with the promise of many years to come.
To all of our brothers and sisters, their spouses, parents, and children, we wish you the celebration of all of your loves.
To our children, their spouses, and their children we wish you the celebration of all of your loves.
To everybody unrelated directly to us we wish you the celebration of all of your loves. We wish you the celebration of each and every one of us, according to our essences.
Midday, it was 40 degrees on our porch, and drizzling. It feels very cold! We are staying in today to catch up with news, chores, and communications. I actually like to stay inside when it is miserable outside. And a tinge of guilt passes over me for feeling comfortable by using fossil fuel, (natural gas) to stay warm Even though we set the temperature at 71, it remained 68 degrees. This is balmy compared to what people put up with when they are out of power, cannot afford to heat very much, or live in the north.
This is also a testament to our old house poor insulation. Transportation, heating and cooling are some of the largest energy uses, and therefore uses of fossil fuel. It is also a testament to the cold breeze. Now I vow to look into ways to mitigate our fossil fuel use!
I am searching for new and old ways to move toward a fossil fuel-free normal. In spite of our use of fossil fuel, we are choosing to get by with less of it (conservation). One way we do get by with less use of fossil fuel is by using shawls, throws, sweaters, and fleeces. We are going to be keeping technology: this is a given.