All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

A Baked Fish Dinner

Our midday dinner of baked cod, mostly brown rice, and garden salad from yesterday  Our Baked Cod Dinner with brown rice and salad.  The warmth generated by the oven is very nice on a cold day.

Fresh parsley from the garden DSC01619  Even though it sleeted, I could go outside and pick these sprigs of parsley.  They yielded the two tablespoons of minced parsley, which I wanted, along with the two cloves of minced garlic from the store.  to put on the thawed fish.

 Garlic and the parsley chopped up for the fish DSC01621 Minced garlic and parsleyMeyer lemon given to us, half of which is to be used for the fish DSC01622 On top of the fish went the juice of one half a Meyer lemon, a gift.

DSC01623 A pat of butter on top completed the assembly.  This went into a 375 degree oven for fifteen minutes.  A very healthy dinner, and rice is leftover to use tomorrow!  I just love being able to use exactly as much fresh parsley as I would like, and not have to store the rest of a big bunch!  I couldn’t pick any more lettuce to augment the salad, because I had picked most of what is available, until more grows, but it will!


A Perfect Day to Stay Inside

Sleet On Railing DSC01616 Kind of rare, here in Texas is sleet.  The city suspended services for the occasion, and school appeared to be out.

It was warmer than freezing DSC01617 Although it was above freezing at our level, it must have bee colder up in the air, because, as sure as anything, the ice was falling.  We could hear it pinging against the windows, and we could see it on the railing above.  These January 28 Narcissus do not mind the cold and sleet DSC01618 Surprisingly, these narcissus do not seem to mind it at all.  They appear to be uninjured, and retain their fresh quality!  Personally, I am very glad that I can stay inside today.  I only walked up and down the south-facing front steps while holding on to the railing.  The back steps had visible ice on them.    A friend of mine fell on a frozen, slippery place in the freezing winter of 2009, and was crippled and in pain for months afterwards.   So I am staying in, and as this weather is so rare here, I am enjoying the contrast between the warmth inside, and the miserable cold outside, enormously!