All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

Garden, 13th Week

DSC01132 Eight days to go until winter solstice!

DSC01136 There are at least four radishes in here, ready to harvest.  Not very much, considering that I planted two packets of seeds for at  least a dollar each.  There are quite a few less developed radishes that may grow better when the days begin to lengthen.

DSC01133 Young red cabbage plants are doing a little better than they were, but still not visible from a distance.  There is a little mesclun mix in there.  Some newer seedlings are emerging again, now including a red lettuce, which did not come up before.  We’ll see what time does.

DSC01135 Dill does not like it too wet, because the dryer dill a little elevated from the near trench at the edge of the garden, where moisture and rain accumulate, is doing better, now.  But in the heat and dryness of the early fall, the dill was sprouting much better next to the garden’s edge where the higher level of moisture was a definite plus under these dryer conditions.

Next week will be just before the winter solstice, and in two weeks, we will be just after the winter solstice.

“Time Is Of the Essence”

DSC01146 A time piece

My grandmother quoted to me occasionally when I was perhaps 12 years old that,  “Time is of the essence.”  I was quite puzzled.   “What mystical profound idea is she trying to convey?”  I thought.   Recently,  I learned that this phrase carries a legal meaning for the legal profession  to the effect that some work must be done quickly.   My great grandmother, the daughter of a judge, her mother-in-law, lived next door, and perhaps this is where she learned this phrase.  This is all pure speculation on my part.  She never told me what it meant or where she learned it.

However, now, it has both a concrete and a perfectly obvious, mystical meaning.   Now it means that sometimes we have to hurry to get something done, and its clear mystical meaning is that everything that we do in any amount of time counts in the grand scheme of things.


And That Is Done Too, And It Is Not Yet Evening!

DSC01125  Finished this for today!

DSC01128 And emptied the canister.

This is a saying that a friend of mine from Hungary said, “And that is also done, and it is not yet evening. ”  This is a nice commentary on accomplishment of daily tasks, and the urgency of time passing with the crush of things to do every day.  This reflects a well deserved moment of enjoyment that we can have after any accomplishment, great or small.