All posts by Sylvia Szucs

About Sylvia Szucs

Victorian Eclectic blogs on our changing lives, toward a useful mindset for those who would like to conserve, use less, save. It is a given that we will keep technology. We need to have fun along the way.

Garden, 10th Week After Planting

Garden, End of 10th week after planting DSC01021 View of garden, some things grow better

Best radish so far DSC01029  Best radish with slightly swollen stemBest parsley DSC01035 Best parsley showing speeded up growth

Best lettuce DSC01040 New lettuce seedlings.  All others disappeared

. Best dill plant DSC01030 Best cilatro DSC01036 Best cilantro, growing better

Some plants are starting to take off!  As you see the garden is shaded by the houses a lot, because we are getting close to the winter solstice.  Nine more weeks from now there will be more light than we have right now.  The light will begin increasing in 4 1/2 weeks at the winter solstice, and it is our experience that in general things in the yard slowly begin to grow at that time such as clover and grass.  Maybe parts of the garden will grow better again.

It seems that caterpillar season is over.  I did not see any crawling today, although the temperature on the font porch was over 70 degrees.  The beets and carrots have been eaten off to the ground.   There are some new leaves of lettuce coming up.  It has been apparently eaten off several times, but a few new seedlings are popping up, yet again.  Time will tell.

For sure we will have a few herbs to harvest as needed for our kitchen in a few weeks!

Flu Shots Are Available Through Many Pharmacies, Often No Extra Charge

DSC01020 Coupon that I got with my flu shot.

Definitely I do not want to get sick for the  holidays, and so I got a flu shot.  Since my Primary  Care Physician did not address it when I had my check up the day before yesterday, I got mine quickly and easily at CVS, to where I had to go anyway.  I did have to wait while some paperwork was processed, but overall it went very well,  and I will get a discount on some future purchases.

Poor Injured Anole Survives For 17 Days

DSC00788  Poor injured anole on October 31.

Poor injured anole survived! DSC01006  Poor injured anole today, 17 days later.  It survived close to my garden, though it was motionless each time I photographed it, not even moving after I watered the garden.  The end of its tail fell off in the meantime.

Green anoles can get 6-8 inches long, and survive for four to eight years.  They eat crickets, worms, and other bugs.  Maybe this one is eating caterpillars.  It was kind of cool on both of the days on which I photographed it, which may explain why it was motionless.

It normally stays in trees, and may like the palmetto next to the garden.  They crawl shallowly underground when it gets cool or cold.  They can be kept as pets indoors, if one takes care to meet a lot of conditions.

The Poor, Injured Anole was sitting on my garden edging four days after this posting was put up! 21 days after I first saw it!