Category Archives: Garden

Anything from any garden.

5th Week of My Garden




After looking at elephant ears and plantains, this garden is doing very poorly.  It is now the fifth week after planting, and regular watering, plus fertilizer have only helped my radishes get a bit greener (shown).  This did not help my lettuce, though.

Of course, long term I’ll amend the soil.  It is still possible that there is not enough light, because two years ago I had fewer elephant ears, less tall plantains, and lower neighboring trees.   It may be that some things will begin to flourish in the new year as the days get longer again.  Some of that happened two years ago.

A major difference is our soil, lead free in the garden, but maybe largely nutrient-free as well.  Our soil in the rest of the yard tested very fertile, with virtually no recommendations for amendment.  What we had planted seemed to have grown better.  True, we did start with some partially grown plants in places of our garden.

Right now it looks like we may get at least some parsley, dill, cilantro, sage, radishes, cabbage, broccoli, beets, carrots.  The jury is out on our chives, onions, lettuce, mesclun, sorrel, basil, oregano, and marjoram.  Next stop is the garden store to get already started plants that grew well two years ago.

I’ll keep watching and learning.


Elephant Ear Flowers

DSC00661 DSC00662Did you know that elephant ears have flowers?  I just saw them for the first time today.  There are three flowers on the left from the front of the open one in the middle, a spent one to the right of that, and an emerging on to the left across the bottom of the left photo.  The open flower has a vertical spike going up the middle, protected by its pale yellow-green surround.  The right photo shows the same flowers from another direction.  The fact that I saw them for the first time today probably reflects the fact that they have not been disturbed for several years, and the fact that we have had enough rain this year.

Much of elephant ear reproduction is vegetative by way of  subsurface tubors.   You can see lots of little plantlets in the background that will become big next year.

Garden May Not Get Enough Water

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It is now five days after the above garden picture was taken, and there has not been much growth in the last week.  After trying week without special watering, I went out to water this PM, and will water twice a day hereafter.  It may be that my new lead-free planting mix with wood organic matter added to sand does not hold enough water to carry the plants to the end of the day.  If this fails to make  a difference, I will check some other things.  Our radishes should be nearly ready to eat by now.