Category Archives: Garden

Anything from any garden.

August Garden, Compost


When I took some compost material to the composter today, the previous additions had quite collapsed, so, I decided to remove some of the browned material from the elephant ears, and accessible plantain leaves which had turned brown, as well as any green, misplaced leaves.  This yielded a full composter, once again DSC07388 Composter full of leaves.

DSC07390 I watered the compost with a hose, and so it collapsed a little.

DSC07391 I put the lid back on and rotated the composter a couple of times.  When the sun hits it tomorrow morning, it will heat up, and hasted the decomposition of the newly added material.  I am going to watch it to see how long it takes to collapse big time.  In the meantime there are plenty of other garden tasks to do.


Summer Kitchen Garden

DSC06624 Trimmed plantains at the beginning of the summer.  I like their filtered light.  We have just two small clusters so far this year.

DSC06617 A lime growing on our key lime tree.  Last year we did not get any limes.  The tree has grown quite tall, so we will not be able to reach all of them from the ground.  They will become available starting in about six weeks, if all goes well.

DSC06628 Our garden, in which the herbs of the spring are going to seed.  Still I could get parsley, oregano, and some pictures.  This is along the lines of what I originally wanted, a kitchen herb garden.  Right now it is rather hot, and these kinds of things do not grow so well here.  I haven’t planted anything here.  Some things came up from self seeding last year, and  I expect some will re-seed themselves for next year: cilantro, marjoram, parsley, dill, even oregano, and maybe carrots and parsnips.   The sorrel leaves are not really usable, because now the “hungry, hungry” caterpillars can eat them.





Winter Garden

Christmas 2014 003 Much neglected for the past six months, several plants are blooming south of the house.  Narcissus next to the Pygmy Date Palm.  The lemon tree is not doing well.

Christmas 2014 008 This  little purple perennial has proved to be quite resilient.

Christmas 2014 009 My creeping Vinca I got on sale at the end of the season, and it has continued to bloom since October.Christmas 2014 010 This Impatiens has very large blooms in this cool weather.

Christmas 2014 006 It is already time for the Narcissus!

Christmas 2014 005 The Bougainvillea still in blooms a little.  Cutting it back earlier reduced the blooms.  It really does not have enough room here.

It has not frozen yet this winter.  The days are getting longer, at which time the  weeds are beginning to grow anew.