Category Archives: Weeds

Organic Weed Killer Trial

DSC03213 The recipe for this safe weed killer is:

  • One gallon vinegar
  • two cups Epsom salts
  • 1/4 cup hand dish detergent

I mixed 3/4 of these up in a vinegar bottle with one quart missing, and placed some into my gardening spray bottle.  I relabeled the vinegar bottle WEED KILLER, and added the date.

DSC03217 I sprayed the weeds on part of the  sidewalk.  You can see where it is foamy, and reflective down to the end of the iris.  We’ll see how this goes.  I was threatening to rain, so I only treated a small part of the sidewalk.


Garden, June 20, 2014

DSC03122 Garden on day of summer solstice, with the same things, but some seeds harvested, and no new plantings.

It is  easy to keep this garden weeded,  because the weeds simply do not grow in it very fast.  Therefore what was and is growing in it is quite hardy.

AND, the lead free “soil” that we got last year must not have been very good.   It was a mix of tree shreddings and sand, according to the business that dug the garden and delivered the soil.

Perhaps the lincreasing shade did not help either, but weeds grow well in greater shade.

Soil building has come to the top of my garden to-do list.













The Calla Lily Bloomed

DSC02789 My dark calla lily is in bloom today!  It popped up fast about three weeks ago.  My white calla lily is getting big, too.  This must be calla lily time.

DSC02796 Our male sago palm has produced a  flower for the second year.  They flower only after 15 years.  I trimmed it a lot,  because the lower leaves become unattractive.

DSC02794 The peach tree is bearing fruit.

DSC02795 Nasturtiums are still blooming.

DSC02790 But the columbine is about done and has seed pods.  You can see some weeds, including grass,  which I periodically pull.