View of garden, some things grow better
Best radish with slightly swollen stem
Best parsley showing speeded up growth
New lettuce seedlings. All others disappeared
Best cilantro, growing better
Some plants are starting to take off! As you see the garden is shaded by the houses a lot, because we are getting close to the winter solstice. Nine more weeks from now there will be more light than we have right now. The light will begin increasing in 4 1/2 weeks at the winter solstice, and it is our experience that in general things in the yard slowly begin to grow at that time such as clover and grass. Maybe parts of the garden will grow better again.
It seems that caterpillar season is over. I did not see any crawling today, although the temperature on the font porch was over 70 degrees. The beets and carrots have been eaten off to the ground. There are some new leaves of lettuce coming up. It has been apparently eaten off several times, but a few new seedlings are popping up, yet again. Time will tell.
For sure we will have a few herbs to harvest as needed for our kitchen in a few weeks!