Judging from his size, I strongly suspect that this is the same possum which was in our compost pile a couple of weeks ago. Since I have not seen him in my compost pile in the meantime, it seems that he has been eating somewhere else. He ran in front of me, then cut over to the other side of the fence.
Maybe he hid behind the Amaryllis under the Sago palm. He really scampers pretty fast.
Blueberry Chocolate Pancakes
Blueberry Chocolate Chip Pancakes from the recipe below.
We had two cups of expired milk to use up, so, never remembering which recipe I used last time,
so I got the one above from this cookbook.
I substituted floured blueberries for the raspberries. I also floured the chocolate chips. We had this with syrup, a sweet treat without wasting our milk. I definitely prefer my blueberry pancakes without the chocolate chips. Joe likes them with chocolate chips as well as without.
The ingredients are fairly healthy, except for the sugar and the frying. Our approach to health is moderation with as much home cooked food as possible. This was an energy-efficient meal in that all of the ingredients were at home. We have a few left over for a light meal tomorrow.
Olive Oil Is My Choice
For many routine oil and fat uses olive oil is my first choice.
It stays fresh in quantity. We can buy three quarts at once which lasts a from one to three months, and therefore is “turned over” to stay fresh often enough at room temperature in the dark.
It is versatile, being good cold in dressings, and warm for cooking. It also mixes well with fats, such as butter, for a change in flavor.
It is reputed to be healthy for us with its large amounts of monounsaturated fat.
We always use up the olive oil, so for us it is a good buy, and very efficient to use in our kitchen!