And Who Among Us Is Perfect?

A grandmother reflecting Image (12)A grandmother reflecting

There was a festival with tents, music, and food in the distance.  As we walked closer, we saw that it was a revival.  Sure enough, there was the name “Turning Point Church”, the “perfect church for those who are not”.  And I thought that this includes just about everybody, and certainly me.  On their website they say, “We all need fellowship”.  How true.  And none of us is perfect.   None of us can stand alone.


Respect for Life



Gulf of Mexico, interconnected with the life-giving ocean.

We are born into the best care our loving parents can provide.  For some of us that is a lot.  For some of us it is less.  We grow up and go out into the world.   Hopefully, we gain the respect of those we meet.  Likewise, we give respect to those around us.   Every single one of us is valuable, and deserving of respect.  We are each equipped to make choices about what to do every single minute of every single day.  Every single one of these decisions is important to each of us as individuals, and collectively.  Let us each do our best to make the world a better place, remembering to respect the lives of those around us.