Here are the cilantro seeds in the self-fallen off group (left), and the pulled-off group (right). Because the seed weight experiment, done earlier, suggested, but did not prove that the seeds in the self-fallen-off group were larger than the seeds in the pulled-off group of seeds, I pursued what I had set up to do earlier, and count the number of seeds in the same length, six inches. Problem. Do these two groups of seeds have a different diameter, as suggested by live visual examination? Hypothesis. The cilantro seeds that fell off of the stems have a larger diameter than the cilantro seeds which were pulled off by hand later. The two groups of seeds with the self-fallen-off seeds on the left, and the pulled off seeds on the right (above). Method. Place a six inch ruler on top of the single layers of each group, and count the number of seeds touching the line within six inches three independent times, once for each of the three placements.
Self-fallen-off seeds in a single layer.
Self-fallen off seeds in a single layer with a six inch ruler on top #1
Different alignment of ruler for a new measure of the number of seeds in six inches #2.
Same as above, but different ruler alignment, #3.
Pulled-off seeds in a single layer.
Pulled-off seeds ruler alignment #1
Pulled-off seeds ruler alignment #2
Pulled off seeds ruler alignment #3 Results. As counted on the computer screen, I got the following results not nececarily in the same order posted above. Algnmnt stands for Alignment. SD stands for Standard Deviation, a statistical determination of data spread. The measure is the number of seeds in six inches Algnmnt #1 Algnmnt #2 Algnmnt #3 Average SD Self-fallen 49 51 48 49.3 1.52 Pulled-off 52 54 53 53.0 1.00 The means of these measures are different. There were 49.3 seeds in 6 inches in the fallen-off group, and there were 53 seeds in 6 inches in the pulled-off group. The standard deviation, a measure of data spread, was larger in the fallen-off group. These results do suggest that the groups do differ in diameter, because the number of seeds in six inches is smaller on the average in the fallen-off group than in the pulled-off group by 3.7 seeds. The fewer seeds there are, the larger the diameter. The actual diameters are inversely proportional to the number of seeds. Conclusions. This suggests that if this information stands the test of time, then:
- The fallen-off group of seeds has a larger diameter, and the hypothesis is supported. Yes the fallen-off group of seeds are wider.
- There may be more variability in the fallen-off group diameter.
- The diameter of the fallen-off group of seeds is 0.123 inches and the diameter of the pulled-off group of seeds is 0.113 inches.
Further work. Confirm and refine the results of this and the weight measurement experiments.
- Explore the diameter by measuring actual print-outs of the single seed layered photos above.
- Weigh higher numbers of the above seed groups, such as 1000 seeds and 2000 seeds (a lot of counting).
- Measure the volumes of the counted seed seed groups above.
- Determine the density of the seeds in weight per seed.
- Check to see if there is a flotation in water difference in the largest seed group.
- I consider neither this experiment nor the seed weight experiment to be very important. I am just pursuing these for demonstration purposes, and for my own entertainment.
- It looks as if the density of the two seed groups may actually differ. (A new hypothesis.)