Tag Archives: Buddhist states of mind


Yin Yang symbol  12422416221542450468Esoteric_Taijitu.svg.hi The Yin Yang symbol stands for balance and can be used for Equanimity, one of the four Buddhist limitless states of mind which is a very useful attitude to cultivate.  I, personally, can be easily distracted from this state of mind by events and thoughts.   That is why I would like to further cultivate this.  Another way that equanimity can be thought of  is as balance, poise.  I am happy to have a symbol to represent this.  The gong represents compassion, and I already have this whether people know it or not.

It is sometimes easy to see that I do not have equanimity, though sometimes I do have it.  I have it when I am in a state of “flow”.  This is another useful asset, when going into the shadows, in order to come back more complete.