Tag Archives: Shadow


Yin Yang symbol  12422416221542450468Esoteric_Taijitu.svg.hi The Yin Yang symbol stands for balance and can be used for Equanimity, one of the four Buddhist limitless states of mind which is a very useful attitude to cultivate.  I, personally, can be easily distracted from this state of mind by events and thoughts.   That is why I would like to further cultivate this.  Another way that equanimity can be thought of  is as balance, poise.  I am happy to have a symbol to represent this.  The gong represents compassion, and I already have this whether people know it or not.

It is sometimes easy to see that I do not have equanimity, though sometimes I do have it.  I have it when I am in a state of “flow”.  This is another useful asset, when going into the shadows, in order to come back more complete.

The Shadow

DSC03494 A shadow.  Recently I have been exploring aspects of my soul as I read Thomas Moore’s Care of the Soul, A Guide For Cultivating Depth and Sacredness In Everyday Life.   I like to think that I am honest with myself.  However, Regena Larrabee Seehausen said to me once. “It is hard to know how you are perceived by others. ”  And in fact I am finding that others sometimes see my shadow where I feel I am radiating light. The shadow is the flip side, the dark side where we are not, or where other aspects of our personalities,  besides what we think we are showing , dwell.   I have long thought that our good and bad qualities are the same.  We just exist and interact, as we are or make ourselves to be.  What we consider good and bad are aspects of the same qualities.   Much more poetically Regena Larrabee Seehausen  (1964) says something related to this in:

DSC03496 from Poems