Garden, April 4, 2014

DSC02178 After a bit over a week nursing this cold, I was happy to see the progress in the garden.  Several items have continued their bolting.  The cabbage flowers are blooming on two plants.   There seem to be small heads on a couple of plants, and I suspect that these will not bolt, because they may have been too undeveloped when the cold snap hit about a month ago.   The broccoli flowers look great.    One of the mesclun mix is blooming a nice white flower.  The cilantro is blooming white. Some lettuce flowers will open within a week.  The taller dill is budded in a green Queen Ann’s lace pattern.

It seems that there are several kinds of new plants that are growing together very well, providing each other with shelter from the warm afternoon sun.  It is a balmy 76 degrees on the shaded front porch, so one can imagine that the backyard plants may relish a bit of each other’s shade as they grow.

The plantains have started to grow again, though the dead parts look worse than ever.  I can probably cut them down, and separate off the stems for chipping more easily now!  It is time for me to get weeding in order to keep ahead of it.