Kitchen Garden, FEB 15, 16, 2014

  • Garden, February 15, 2014 DSC01756An overview of the kitchen garden in the late afternoon on FEB 15, 2014.  Because this garden is now a “going concern” in that several items have a present and/or future harvest, I am blogging this by date of photos.   In summary of the first few months of this garden:
  • The soil in this circumscribed patch, about 215 square feet, was replaced down to one foot deep, to be able to grow plants without lead.
  • Lots of plants sprouted quickly, but seem to have been eaten by bugs.  The plants did better even in the cold beginnings of the new year.    It has been rather cold until now, when I was  able to tend to it without my jacket.
  • I am able to harvest lettuce, radishes, parsley, cilantro, oregano, and the mixed greens of mesclun mix.  I will get small harvests of beets, carrots, broccoli, sorrel (one plant), marjoram.
  • I may get some red and white cabbage, sage.
  • It looks like a garden.
  • Some plants, such as lettuce and parsley can be harvested from the outer edges of the  plants, leaving the centers to continue to  produce.
  • Other plants, such as radishes, carrots and beets, are pulled up in their entirety, and the soil is left bare.
  • To fill in these bare places left by either harvesting, or poor initial growth, I am simply going to re-dig the garden in patches, amend the soil with potting soil,  topsoil, and/ or compost, as I get it, and plant something else which promises to grow in the coming months.
  • I have already started doing so, and therefore I am going to write about this garden by the date, not time after planting, because parts of it will be at different stages at any given time.