Our Bananas are Plantains

Our bananas proved to be plantains.  Here they are at their peak in August.DSC00369

Here is a different view of them at the end of September with a pink yardstick to help gauge their height.  As estimated here, the tallest plantain is currently 24 feet tall.  In September the plantains grow more slowly, because the amount of light has gone down, due to shortening days, and  decreased angle of the sun. Plantains with Yardstick DSC00456

Another view DSC00458

The plantains are are very slow to ripen.  It can take longer than a month for the green plantains to turn yellow, then black after the clump falls over, or is cut off of the tree.

They started to ripen three days ago.

Day one of ripening: just a few.DSC00416

Day two of ripening: a few more.Plantain plate

Day three of ripening:  even more.Some our plantain harvest on day 3 after they bagan to turn yellow  DSC00423


In a few days, when more are very dark, we will be able to make plantain bread!