Recycling Day, A Trip to the Recycling Center

DSC00665 Loaded up with


After wanting to recycle for many years,  (I would even like to recycle the ink on the paper) we are finally recycling, and have found it to be quite convenient.  We just load up our vehicle with the paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, and glass which we have been collecting, largely separating as we go, and drive it to the user-friendly recycling center, where they help us unload, continuing to sort into their  categories .

It eases my mind that as we go along, I do not feel so guilty about getting rid of the packaging and plastic that comes along with our purchases, or disposing of broken items like old phones and radios that no longer work.   I am not really discarding them.  I am sending them for recycling.

The earth has yielded these items all to us, the plastics from fossil fuels, the metals from ores, the glass from common sand, but with the input of energy, cardboard and paper from trees, and other living materials, grown, transported, and processed with considerable environmental costs, so we are good to the earth when we recycle.  Furthermore, we are good to ourselves, not only in having a better conscience, but because we will prolong the livability of our good earth.