Tag Archives: John Medina

Brain Rules For Baby by John Medina

1443129026794-430918787  This is a wonderful book for anybody at all, but especially for people of child-bearing age, and those with children.  It explains that the first thing that parents and others should know is that the brain of babies is interested first of all in survival, and if it has any energy left, that can go on learning in the more traditional sense.  Therefore, one always does better in relating to babies, in trying to understand the baby’s point-of-view.

He emphsizes the power of example.  Once a child has seen something,  even once, they know it in some way.  So it is very important to not demonstrate to them anything you do not want them to do.

This highly readable book is chock full of these themes, stories, and how to achieve the results we all would like to grow happy, smart babies that grow into happy, smart children.