Tag Archives: Multiplication Table

Brushing Up, Multiplication Facts

Here is a useful piece of graph paper to fill out for multiplication ( and other arithmetic fact) table review.


DSC03804 I decided to brush up on my math facts, especially multiplication facts right now, so that I will be quicker at arithmetic, and to maintain my skills.

Multiplication table, 20 by 18 A scan.  The table did not fit on the scanner.

DSC03805 This desk calculator is probably 15 years old. and still works like a charm, but I still  want to keep my estimation skills sharp.

This table is 20 squares by 20 squares.  My dad taught me how to fill out a ten by ten multiplication table when I was six, and I enjoyed showing off that I could multiply.

Looking back, I see that I still had a way to go in order to acquire the understanding which I now have.

We had to work a lot without calculators when I was a kid, because they did not have electronic calculators.