Tag Archives: Pride


IMG_20150928_214439_burst_01 You see the source of this quote from this photograph.  It is definitely a contradiction to seek humility as a source of power.  See number six below.

IMG_20150928_214801 Here are six of the fifteen quotes.

Reflection on these and other quotes is helpful.  When one succeeds in internalizing humility,  probably move in circles with all people.  This may be one of  Pope Francis’s qualities, which allows him to move with ease from talking to heads of state to serving lunch at the Catholic Charities to the poor.  He definitly has humility.  It shows in how he asks the people to pray for him, as he prays for the people.

It was a new insight for me from the pope, that if one is not humble, one runs the risk of being  a hypocrite, which is saying one thing, and doing another.  I am going to think a lot more about humility, and its implications.