Tag Archives: Thank you

Please Say, “Thank You”

This morning when I saw  a “Gratefulness Challenge” on Facebook, I thought, “What a good antidote to all of the disturbing news we have been getting on TV .”  With be-headings of journalists abroad, arrests of journalists in this country, suicides of prominent figures, and so on, it is good to take stock of what is good.DSC04003 Here is the front of an American Greetings card which shows gratitude put into words for a specific  person.  “Thank you” is trans-formative for both the giver and the recipient of the thanks, truly.  This sentiment is embodied in the butterflies surrounding the bouquet.

Every transaction between individuals could have a thank you attached by each to the other.   None of us have any entitlement to anything, and so we have to be thankful.



