Tag Archives: You Paint program

Sunset Before Ike, Digital Painting With Paint ProgrAM

Before Hurrcane Ike hit the Houston-Galveston region, there was a glorious sunset. Ike Sunset Paint Best AUG 14, 2014  This is my attempt to capture it from a photograph that I had taken.   The file size is a hair over one megabyte.

Photo of Pre-Ike Sunset svd here AUG 14, 2014   Maybe  I’ll try it again, later, because I will learn if I do so.    I took some liberties for drama, but I missed the rosy glow in the sky and reflected from the road.  I was working from my memory superimposed on a black and white print.

Supermoon I and Supermoon II, Digital Paintings

These are efforts to capture some of the energy of the recent supermoon with the You Paint program, as seen from upstairs.

Supermoon II D The end result of my second attempt. Supermoon II

Supermoon I AUG 13, 2014 The end result of my first attempt. Supermoon I is extremely simple.

Here are the lead up steps to Supermoon II. Supermoon II   I blocked it out.Spermoon II B and filled it in. Supermoon II D  Small adjustments made the final product above. There are a lot of possibilities for the work, but limited capacity for any one work with this program.  The picture would not accept any more changes, and if I had not saved it, the picture would have crashed, and been lost as it had been several times before.